Awards service held for The Brewery’s Security ‘Team of the Year’
In celebration of the Brewerys’ Security Team, an awards service was held and attended by MAN Commercial CEO, Iain McCallister, alongside BSIA Communications Executive Andrew Cooper to recognise and award the Brewery Security team personally. Each Security Officer was presented with a certificate and personalised badge in recognition of their outstanding work.
Over the last 12 months, the team of 14 Officers managed by Security Managers, Wasim, Abbass, and Supervisor Udin have remarkably handled a number of extraordinary and out-of-the-ordinary events, such as being first response to a tragic suicide on site, dealing with anti-social behaviour and assaults, preventing thefts, and intervening to save a life following a suicide attempt in the multi storey car park. The Security Team at The Brewery Shopping Centre, are nothing short of exceptional.
Such outstanding service from this team of security officers landed them recognition in April 2022, with a nomination by MAN Commercial Protection for the Security Personnel Awards at the British Security Awards. The awards recognised over 50 officers and teams from across the UK for their commitment to keeping people, places, and property safe over the last year. The Brewery security team were crowned Team of the Year in the regional rounds on 21st April 2022. This well-deserved recognition highlights the commitment and devotion from a highly professional and diligent team.
This team stand out from their peers not just for the volume of challenging incidents they deal with, but the way in which they tackle and resolve them, and their general approach and attitude to their roles. These officers never hesitate to do exactly what is required of them, get involved where needed, and always maintain professional standards and communication.
It is due to these high standards of security, practised day in day out, 7 days a week, that The Brewery Shopping Centre staff and shoppers can feel safe and protected by the finest individuals. The nomination for this award is a testimony to their hard work, dedication, and attitudes to the vital roles that these 12 selfless individuals do with honour and pride.
When MAN Commercial Director Gerhard Van Deventer was asked to sum up his team’s star quality, his answer says it all, “All I can say is this – if I owned a shopping centre then this is the team that I would like to have onboard to protect and manage my security and health and safety, as well as ensuring a safe and friendly shopping environment for my shoppers and the public.”