How to Have A Hauntingly Fun Halloween!
We get it, HALLOWEEN 2020 isn’t what we’d thought it would be. Probably no door-to-door trick or treating due to lockdown guidelines and certainly no Halloween parties with tonnes of friends and family! But there’s no need to be glum, because there’s a heap of ideas that we’re about to let loose on how you can still have fun as a family – or in groups of 6!
Whether you’re in need of frighteningly fantastic treats, spooky accessories to match a costume or hallow-inspired tableware, the centre is here to help you ‘creep it real’… We look forward to helping you make this year the best yet!
Before you scroll any further, we have a joke for you to guess the answer to. Answer will be revealed at the end of the style article.
‘What do mummies listen to on Halloween?’
Eat, Drink & Be Scary!
Having Halloween at home doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom! It can be just as fun as trick or treating or attending a fancy-dress party… We’ve got a recipe that will make you say, ‘oh my gourd!’. These 3-ingredient biscuits are super easy to make and will keep the kids occupied as your mini home-Halloween party commences!
You’ll need:
- Shortbread biscuits (ready made or homemade, it’s up to you!)
- Icing sugar or melted white chocolate
- Chocolate chips
How to:
- Dip one side of your shortbread biscuit into the icing sugar or melted white chocolate. (If you are using icing sugar, remember to add a little water at a time until you get a thick consistency).
- Once one side is dipped and covered in the white icing sugar or chocolate, add two chocolate chips as the eyes and one for the mouth! Yes, you want that spooky and shocked face going on…
- And you’re DONE! Leave to set and you’ll have ghost-like biscuits ready to be devoured! *They will keep for up to 3-4 days in an airtight container at room temperature.
Be sure to pick up cooking utensils from The Range or even foodie ingredients from Sainsburys or Iceland! Remember, you can always use vegan chocolate if you want to try something new.
Obviously, if you fancy a spiced latte or ready-made sweet treat, Prickly Pear or Patisserie Valerie will have you covered.
Ghoulish Games!
Of course, the traditional game of ‘bobbing for apples’ is great, but here are some tips on new games that you’ll enjoy playing whether it’s with your children or friends.
Mummy of the year: If the name didn’t give the game away, you’ll have to dress up your partner in rolls of toilet paper under time conditions! The person who looks most like a mummy by the end of it wins an extra chocolate bar (YUM!). Be sure to grab a few extra loo rolls from Poundland when you’re next at the centre.
Sweety Jenga: Grab a bucket of relatively flat Halloween sweets (think chocolate bars) and take turns stacking them on top of one another. The first person to knock down the stack loses — and the winners get to split the sweet loot. You can grab all your favourite treats from Sainsbury’s or The Range!
Halloween Charades: This Halloween game is perfect if you’re staying home with a small group this year. Simply write your favourite Halloween or spooky movies and phrases onto index cards and play a game of Charades – this will separate the ghouls from the Hallow-queens & kings. *Don’t forget to get the index cards or bits and bobs to decorate them from Hobbycraft. (We love their orange and black glitter balls that you can glue to almost anything!)
#HocusPocus & #TheAddamsFamily would be first on our Charades list…
Local Lovin’
Yes, supporting your community (local farms especially) during the spooky season is important! You can pop to your local farm or supermarket and grab the essentials. And when we say essentials, we mean pumpkins, fresh apples, and Autumn veggies to enjoy.
Be sure to grab a large, juicy pumpkin to carve, ‘cos what’s Halloween without one?! Plus, fresh apples to cover in toffee and enjoy with a hot cup of tea (FYI; we recommend a traditional English blend tea bag from TKMAXX).
And for any autumn veggies you stack up in your trolley, be sure to cook up a storm as the weather gets chillier. We think a warming stew, homemade soup or casserole sounds to die for! If you need a little extra inspo, be sure to pick up a cookbook from HomeSense when you’re next at the centre.
Costume Conundrums
Now this is a hard one! That dreaded question: ‘What are you wearing for Halloween?’ – this year is a little different, so get creative and enjoy the season in all its unique glory. Whether you’re wanting to match with your child or bestie, there’s plenty of retailers at the centre to help you with your desired look…
Grab extra decorations, costume accessories and all sorts of face paint from Party Delights, Poundland and The Range! Or satisfy your kiddies with cute yet creepy toys from The Entertainer or Smyth Toys. But, if you’re really struggling with who or what to be for the 31st October, here are our top 5 faves:
- A ghostbuster (perfect for all)
- A pirate, pretty princess, scary skeleton, or an animal of choice! (perfect for kids and, to be honest, the list never ends!)
- An army general (perfect for dads)
- Wonder Woman (to all mums, EVERYWHERE!)
Be sure to take a picture with whoever you have round for your Halloween gathering, it could be a new tradition that’ll make memories for years to come. We’re hoping that our tips on how to make #Halloween2020 special has made you re-think cancelling any fun plans you had in place.
We’ll leave you with the answer if you hadn’t already guessed it…
‘What do mummies listen to on Halloween?’
‘Wrap music’