International Women’s Day – just a few of our inspirational women
Considering we’re a shopping centre that loves style, we couldn’t not mention a fashion designer! And who better than Miss McCartney. Daughter of one of the fab four Beatles, this woman has made a name for herself by creating a brand that is all about sustainability and acts against animal cruelty, and we all know how designer feeds down to the highstreet… so those Vegan bags, recycled trainers – well we have her influence to thank for that!
Greta Thunberg
This young girl has gained international recognition thanks to her campaigning against climate change. We’ve watched her, we’ve heard her, and we’ve read about all the things she’s been doing. Frankly, we think she deserves a mention for her influence on the younger generation too! It’s all about a joint effort, right?
Marylin Monroe
If you’ve got a ‘quote’ print in your home, we can guarantee that it may have been inspired by a certain blonde… ‘What do I wear in bed? Why, Chanel No. 5, of course,’ or ‘A girl doesn’t need anyone that doesn’t need her’, yep they’re all from our fave inspirational American actress, model, and singer. And it’s somewhat down to her that we’ve changed the way we think about sexuality.
The Spice Girls
Ok, hear us out before you groan, because we think this bunch of girls really deserve a mention. After all, they were one of the first girl groups to break the charts and pave the way for hundreds of female artists afterwards. With us? Yep, we thought you may change your mind.
And on that note, we think it’s time to say ‘goodbye.’ But before we do, we wanted to give a huge shout out to all of you guys. Each and every one of you are amazing examples of great woman. Over and out!