Save Your Skin… from Chilly, Wintery Weather!
Dry, cracked skin, begone!!
We have a few tips and tricks on how to maximise moisture and minimise any discomfort your skin may have due to the incoming chilliness… Whether you’re in need of a soothing facemask, scented soaps or nutrient-infused exfoliators, the centre will be here to help and stop the dropping temperature from chapping any lips! *Takes out lip balm*
To make things super simple, we’re going to give you a few essential tips, with the retailers that’ll become your new best friends, so sit back, relax and read away…
Moisturise, relax, rinse
Layer On & Hydrate!!
You must love a product that hydrates and gives your skin a little extra life! Why serum you ask? Because serums offer a liquid-like format, especially those containing Vitamin C! They help even out your skin tone and improve the appearance after continual use. They can also be used to combat signs of aging, plump up your skin and reduce the presence of wrinkles and fine lines. Who wouldn’t want that, right?
Lock in moisture with a cream…
There are 3 types of moisturising agents:
- Humectants: Attract and hold on to water.
- Emollients: These are skin softeners that sink in and help bind cells together, making your skin feel smoother. (Could use jojoba oil and shea butter).
- Occlusives: These block the water in your skin from evaporating. During your ‘morning routine’ for example, this ‘occlusives’ layer comes last, as it does the job of locking in the moisture! (Could use petroleum jelly, mineral oil and lanolin).
Need a new lathering cream to get the job done? Walk through the aisles of Boots for tonnes of options. We think a scented product would be nice too, smelling like a fresh bouquet or coconut all day doesn’t sound too bad at all…
Facial Fun
DIY Avocado & Honey Facemask
You need: 1 smashed avocado and two teaspoons of honey.
Method: As good on the face as it is on the plate, smashed avo mixed with a couple teaspoons of honey will treat dry, flaky skin. Mix and scrub your face with it for a minimum of 10 minutes. Leave it on for half an hour and then rinse with warm water. *Both ingredients contain humectants, which are used to reduce the loss of moisture from the skin. You can thank us later…
Treating your skin to a packet or DIY facial that will deliver an extra boost of hydration to your skin is just what you need after a long week at work! This is particularly good to do in the morning, or before you’re about to get ready for a night on the town… You could even buy some of those rejuvenating under-eye or lip smoothing masks (they work wonders!!)
You can pick up a few of your favourite facemasks from Sainsbury’s and if you’re feeling fancy, maybe you can grab a few ‘relaxing’ essentials from TKMAXX? Candles, cosy blanket or even a new novelty mug for your infused tea to enjoy while your mask is hardening…
Lip Balm Love
You need a lip-smacking balm that’ll prevent uncomfortable chapping. The balm will work to moisturise dried tissue in the lip, while protecting the area from exposure to wind and cold temperatures!
We recommend the retailers below if you need a new balm to get you through the upcoming (and most likely) chilly season. *Brrrrr* Grab a few of Poundland recommended products in store today! They’ll have everything from moisturising to scented and flavoured!
Shower or Bath? Moisturise Immediately!
You may not know this but applying moisturiser on damp skin is the way forward! During wintertime however, it can be a little nippy once you pop out the shower or bath – which means you’re probably not in the mood to stand around lathering up your skin. So instead you get dressed or lie on your bed, tightly covered in your towel waiting to dry off a bit.
Whip out the body cream and don’t even leave the bathroom to apply – because walking from your bathroom to your room will evaporate the water droplets you need.
Nails, Hands & Cuticles Need TLC too!
Rough feeling hands are just the worst, plus your nails and cuticles take a bit of a battering once the weather becomes cooler! The nail shop queues even quieten down seeing as it’s too chilly to leave the comfort of your cosy blanket set up at home…
Opt for a new hand & nail cream that’ll keep skin smooth, supple and protected. You can grab a handbag-sized bottle from Boots – to be honest, you might want a little snack in there for later, so we recommend popping to Prickly Pear and pick up one of their sweet treats, or a freshly brewed coffee! *YUM*
Now that we’ve given you a few handy tricks on how to keep your skin silky smooth as cooler weather commences, we’d love for you to pop down to the centre and pick up all the essentials you need! We look forward to seeing you soon.