Getting ready for the clocks going back: What you may not know
How is it that time again? We feel like we’ve just settled back from our summer holidays and wham… the clocks are going back. It’s time to say hi to darker, colder and cosier evenings. And well, dare we say it, start prepping for Christmas #sorrynotsorry. But, we digress, because there’s a whole range of stuff that comes with the clocks going back, from ensuring the kids don’t wake up at ridiculously early hours, to making sure your well-being is catered for… here’s our top tips on getting ready for what we think is the official start of winter…
Beat the early wake-ups
If you have a tot who’s up at 6am on a normal day, you’re not going to love the 5am start that comes with the clocks going back… even if it is only for a week until they adjust. But, there are a few ways to combat this. And that means… deep breath… changing their routine. Yep, that’s right, starting your kids’ bedtime 15 minutes later a few days before the big clock changing event means you’re easing them into a new bed and wake time. For example, if their bedtime is at 8pm, put them down at 8.15pm on Thursday, 8:30pm on Friday, 8:45pm on Saturday. This means that at 7pm (new time), they should have adjusted enough to slip into the land of nod. And, wake at their old time in the morning 🙏. If it doesn’t work, then we guess there’s coffee… lots of coffee…
Don’t make it a SAD time
According to medical experts, Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that comes on in the winter. This is due to a reduced exposure to sunlight during the shorter days caused by the clocks going back. And while medical advice is the best, there are a few ways you can help yourself combat it. This includes investing in a lightbox where a special lamp stimulates exposure to sunlight, while Vitamin C and D tablets are a great way to boost your health too – again it’s worth talking to your doctor about this one!
I will leave the light on
If you have kids, darker nights mean more cries of ‘I’m scared of the dark.’ Yup, it just got (scarily) real. Stop the wailing in its tracks by investing in a nightlight. Whether it’s one that sits on a desk, or one that can be placed in their bed with them – think the plastic kind that don’t get hot – there’s no excuse for them to be up. Although, we’re sure ‘I’m thirsty, hungry, need the loo’ will still crop up #facepalm.
Snuggle up
Colder nights mean it’s time to ramp up the cosy clothes and bedding. Got a baby or tot? Take advice from the Lullaby Trust that advises that a room temperature of 16-20°C – with light bedding or a lightweight, well-fitting baby sleeping bag is comfortable and safe for sleeping babies. Looking for one for the grown-ups? We’re going for a 10.5 tog to 13.5 tog… yes, we’re cold sleepers.
Bedtime buddies
Nothing beats a snuggly warm dressing gown for those cool winter nights, so invest in new ones for everyone. And don’t forget those warm PJs. Yep, any excuse to buy new nightwear… Long Johns totally optional 😊.
And that’s it from us. Here’s to the next few snuggle up months… <
Shopping insider at The Brewery

Lumie Arabica SAD light – £90.00

Boots Vitamin D 10 µg – 90 tablets – £2.30

Purelite Table Magnifying Lamp – £30.00